You’re probably aware of how dental implants can fully restore missing teeth by blending seamlessly into the jawbone, enhancing both the look and function of your smile. Yet, a question arises: should healthy teeth ever be replaced with implants, or is it preferable to maintain your natural teeth whenever feasible? Keep reading to find out what the best option is for your oral health.
Why Your Natural Teeth Are Best for Your Smile
While dental implants are frequently lauded for their efficacy in addressing missing teeth, they invariably pale in comparison to your natural, healthy teeth. Natural teeth outperform implants in biting and chewing due to their inherent strength and seamless integration with surrounding oral structures.
The American Academy of Periodontology strongly advises against extracting healthy teeth in favor of implants. Moreover, tooth extraction carries potential risks, such as dry sockets and oral infections.
When Natural Teeth Should Be Removed
However, there are situations where removing natural teeth becomes necessary, influenced by various factors. These could include tooth loss from injury, significant bone loss causing tooth movement, unfixable fractures, or severe and stubborn gum disease.
It’s important to stress that dentists prioritize preserving healthy teeth whenever possible. If extraction is needed, your dentist will thoroughly discuss available tooth replacement options, including dental implants for suitable candidates, ensuring you make an informed choice.
Why Repairing Teeth Is Preferable
It’s important to stress the importance of keeping your natural teeth healthy because it’s easier than dealing with replacements. Damaged teeth can often be fixed with simple and affordable solutions like crowns, fillings, or root canal therapy.
Also, it’s crucial to understand that different dental restorations need different levels of care. For instance, dentures, bridges, and implants require specific maintenance routines and considerations.
Keeping these dental prosthetics in good condition involves cleaning, regular adjustments, and eventual replacements, all adding to the overall cost and upkeep of your oral health. Therefore, whenever possible, preserving your natural teeth is usually the preferred choice, as it might lead to a simpler and potentially more cost-effective long-term oral health strategy.
When Dental Implants Are Necessary
Dental implants are commonly recommended for patients with missing teeth or requiring tooth replacement, but their suitability depends on factors such as jawbone density and overall oral health, assessed during your consultation with your dentist.
In summary, dental implants are customized solutions and are not designed to replace healthy teeth. If you have damaged or missing teeth, it’s crucial to promptly consult your dentist to explore the possibility of dental implants.
About the Practice
At Lyndon Family Dental, under the leadership of compassionate and skilled dentists Dr. Marley Rinoldo and Dr. Simone P. Reid, our mission is to educate individuals on effective smile maintenance. We prioritize swift and efficient treatment to restore your smile, delivering exceptional care in a safe and comfortable setting. Whether you’re missing several or all of your teeth, we offer comprehensive information and guidance on dental implants, ensuring you make the best decision for your smile. To schedule a consultation with Lyndon Family Dental or learn more about dental implants, visit our website or call our office at (315) 449-0711.